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Keep up to date on gift cards

$1.2 Billion Proves Gift Cards Popularity

In a recent study conducted by The Wall Street Journal it was found that a surprisingly large amount of America’s money exists on gift cards. In particular, Starbucks gift cards and corresponding app hold a lion’s share of the virtual cash in the amount of approximately $1.2 billion. 41 percent of Starbucks in store purchases … Read more

A map of when to incentivize

Do You Know When to Incentivize?

Do You Know When to Incentivize? “When do I incentivize a call to action?” “What call to action do I promote?” ”When do I run a promotion?” These three questions can really be addressed in one directive: When to incentivize.   First, let’s address the purposes of incentives. Summed up quickly, an incentive is a … Read more

Greet your members with a smile.

7 Ways to Drive Summer Gym Memberships

While most people look forward to summer with bicycle rides in the park, uncovering the backyard pool or strolling along the shore, fitness clubs and gyms typically look to summer with dismay.
Instead of losing members to the siren’s call of sunny days, try these tactics to bring those members indoors (your doors.)

Using actionable data

Make Your Data Actionable

You are always collecting data. Maybe passively, maybe aggressively. If you’re a gym you should be collecting attendance data every time a member enters and signs in or swipes their membership card. You have names and emails through their membership forms. There is a whole collection of actionable data that you have for most every … Read more

There's a lot to think about when choosing incentives for your customers.

Factors in Choosing Which Incentive

What do you take into account when choosing which incentive to use for your promotion? 1. Relevance to Customer Base The idea of making an incentive synch with your own brand isn’t the only point of relevance to take into account. The incentive should be relevant to multiple demographic details of your customer base. For … Read more

gift card regulations make cards more valuable

New Gift Card Regulations Make for a More Valuable Incentive

When your business considers what kind of incentive to use for its clientele, a key consideration is the incentive’s perceived value. Gift cards have always served well in this area, as they represent virtually anything the customer desires. Gift card regulations are now eliminating the one downside that some thrift-savvy customers had noted, unused residual balances. … Read more

Coming Soon: Webinars

Please check back into Promotion Vault Blog for new content, including webinars. Expect covered topics to include marketing, data usage, how to get the most out of incentives, and even more topics to help you grow and expand your business.

Easy as a handshake

Expand Your Brand Identity Through Pairing, Starbucks, iTunes- all brands with instant recognition, instant authority and instantly perceived value. Every business would like to have that kind of brand identity. Your business may not yet have the resources or scope to build the prestige of such international brands. But, you do have the ability to expand your brand identity through … Read more