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Employee Engagement Survey Questions for Increasing Your Employee IQ

Understanding what drives your employees, what keeps them engaged, and how they perceive your company is essential for long-term success. This insight, which we call “Employee IQ,” goes beyond traditional performance metrics—it captures the nuanced intelligence needed to create a thriving workplace.

By gathering intelligence on what motivates your team, what makes them happy, and how they view their role within the company, you can make informed decisions that enhance both employee satisfaction and business outcomes.

At Promotion Vault, we believe in the “give then get” method—rewarding employees first and then gathering their valuable feedback. This approach not only boosts morale but also encourages honest and constructive responses, ultimately increasing your Employee IQ.

We’ve identified key moments in the employee lifecycle when rewards can be most impactful. During these times, we recommend specific employee engagement survey questions to gather insights that will help you increase your Employee IQ, ultimately improving your teams motivation and productivity. improve your workplace environment.

Reward: Welcome to Team

The first few weeks in a new job set the tone for an employee’s experience at your company. Understanding what inspired your new hires to join and how they feel about their initial training can help you fine-tune your onboarding strategies, ensuring that every new team member starts off on the right foot.

Survey Questions:

  1. What inspired you to join the team?
    Type: Long Text Box
  2. How would you rate your overall onboarding experience?
    Type: Rating Scale: 1-5
  3. Do you feel you received adequate training for your role?
    Type: Yes / No
  4. How comfortable are you with the tools and systems you need to use in your role?
    Type: Rating Scale: 1-5

These questions not only provide valuable insights into your new hire’s motivations and initial impressions, but they also offer essential feedback on your onboarding process. A positive first impression is crucial in setting the stage for long-term success, and by ensuring new employees have the tools and training they need, you can continually refine and enhance your onboarding strategy for future hires.

Reward: High Five

We recommend giving your team a small, regular monthly reward we call the High Five Reward. Research shows that employee recognition can boost motivation and productivity. Not only does this reward serve as a consistent morale booster, but regular check-ins like the “High Five” reward also allow you to gauge ongoing satisfaction levels among your employees. This proactive approach helps you identify and address potential issues before they escalate, ensuring a healthier and more engaged workplace.

Survey Questions:

  1. Do you have any other comments or suggestions to help us improve?
    Type: Long Text Box
  2. How satisfied are you with your work-life balance this month?
    Type: Rating Scale: 1-5
  3. From 0-10, how likely are you to refer a friend to join the team?
    Type: NPS Score
  4. How happy are you in your current position?
    Type: Rating Scale: 1-5

These questions are designed to assess work-life balance, overall happiness, and willingness to refer others—key indicators of employee engagement and retention. By regularly gathering this data, you can address any emerging issues before they escalate.

Reward: Birthday

Celebrating birthdays is a simple yet powerful way to show your employees that they are valued and appreciated. With personalized rewards, you can skip the guesswork of choosing the perfect gift—your employees can select from a wide variety of gift cards, ensuring they find something that truly makes their birthday special. This thoughtful gesture not only brightens their day but also strengthens their connection to your company.

Survey Questions:

  1. Are you more of a cake person or a cupcake person?
    Type: Custom Drop Down
    Answers: Cake / Cupcake
  2. What aspects of your job or our company culture do you find most rewarding?
    Type: Custom Drop Down
    Answers: Career Development / Recognition and Appreciation / Work-Life Balance / Meaningful Work
  3. Do you feel valued and recognized by your team members?
    Type: Yes / No

The questions in this reward help you understand the cultural and professional aspects that resonate most with your team members. This data can be used to tailor recognition programs and ensure that your workplace culture continues to align with employee values.

Reward: Work Anniversary

Work anniversaries provide an opportunity to reflect on an employee’s journey with the company. Celebrating these milestones is more than just a nice gesture—it’s a proven way to boost employee retention and engagement.

Survey Questions:

  1. Tell us about a professional success story that you’re proud of.
    Type: Long Text
  2. What aspects of your job or our company culture do you find most rewarding?
    Type: Custom Drop Down
    Answers: Career Development / Recognition and Appreciation / Work-Life Balance / Meaningful Work
  3. How do you feel about the recognition and rewards you’ve received this year?
    Type: Rating Scale: 1-5
  4. How likely are you to recommend {{CompanyName}} as a great place to work?
    Type: NPS

By asking these questions, you not only celebrate their achievements but also gather insights into how they perceive their professional growth, recognition, and overall satisfaction with the company. This feedback is vital for retaining top talent and continuously improving the employee experience.

Reward: National Holidays

National holidays are a time for reflection and appreciation, offering a perfect opportunity to recognize your employees’ contributions. By celebrating national holidays with meaningful rewards, you not only boost morale but also reinforce your commitment to valuing your team. This simple yet impactful gesture can enhance employee satisfaction and strengthen their connection to your company.

Survey Questions:

  1. Do you feel recognized and valued for your contributions at work?
    Type: Custom Drop Down
    Answers: Always / Often / Sometimes / Rarely / Never
  2. What does [Holiday] mean to you personally?
    Type: Long Text Box
  3. Are you satisfied with your current compensation and benefits package?
    Type: Yes / No

These questions are designed to assess how valued employees feel and whether they are satisfied with their compensation and benefits. These insights are critical for maintaining a motivated and loyal workforce, especially during times of celebration.

Reward: Seasons Greetings & Happy Holidays

By expressing your gratitude during this season, you not only boost morale but also reinforce the positive culture within your team. This period of reflection also sets the stage for the year ahead, allowing you to gather valuable feedback that can guide future improvements and foster a stronger, more collaborative workplace.

Survey Questions:

  1. How well do you think you met your professional goals this year?
    Type: Rating Scale: 1-5
  2. How satisfied are you with the level of collaboration and support within your team?
    Type: Custom Drop Down
    Answers: Very Satisfied / Somewhat Satisfied / Neutral / Dissatisfied
  3. Do you feel valued and recognized by your team members?
    Type: Yes / No
  4. On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend {{CompanyName}} as a great place to work to a friend or colleague?
    Type: NPS

The questions in this reward focus on goal achievement, team collaboration, and overall satisfaction. By gathering this data, you can enter the new year with a clear understanding of what is working well and where improvements are needed.

Reward: Happy New Year

As the new year begins, it’s an ideal time to reflect on the past and plan for the future. Gathering feedback at this pivotal moment allows you to understand how your employees felt about the previous year and what changes they believe would enhance their work experience moving forward. By asking these targeted questions, you can gain insights that will help you make informed decisions, foster a positive work environment, and set the stage for a successful year ahead.

Survey Questions:

  1. From 0-10, how do you feel we did last year?
    Type: NPS
  2. What changes would you suggest to improve your work experience in the New Year?
    Type: Custom Drop Down
    Answers: Enhance communication and collaboration tools / Increase opportunities for professional development and training / Provide additional resources or support for my role / Improve work-life balance initiatives / Enhance recognition and reward programs
  3. What was the most positive aspect of your job last year?
    Type: Long Text Box
  4. Do you have any other comments or suggestions to help us improve?
    Type: Long Text Box

The questions in this reward aim to gather insights on the previous year’s successes and areas for improvement. This feedback will help you create a more supportive and fulfilling work environment in the year ahead.

Employee engagement is an ongoing journey that requires consistent effort and attention. By strategically implementing rewards and gathering targeted feedback at key moments in the employee lifecycle, you can significantly increase your Employee IQ.

At Promotion Vault, we believe that the “give then get” approach not only enhances employee satisfaction but also provides you with the insights needed to continuously improve your workplace. Use these employee engagement survey questions as a guide to better understand your employees and create a more engaged, motivated, and happy workforce.

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